Jesus Is My Sunlight
Autor: G. E. Wright  |  Album: fara album  |  Tematica: Diverse
Adaugata in 26/10/2007
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My path is bright, my burden light,
Since Jesus came to stay;
I have no fear while He’s so near
To guide me in the way;
He is my light by day and night,
Along life’s rugged road,
And of His love I’m singing all the day.

Sunlight, sunlight on my path doth shine,
Bringing gladness to this heart of mine;
Sunlight, sunlight shining every day,
Jesus is my sunlight all the way.

This light divine doth brightly shine,
Dispelling all the night;
’Twill guide the feet along the way,
Into the paths of right;
’Twill comfort give to all who live
Within its rays so bright,
Until they reach those mansions in the sky.

Come out from sin, let’s walk within
This glorious light divine,
And journey to that home above,
Where joy will be sublime;
So glad and free we all shall be
Within His courts to shine,
Among the saints and angels over there.
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